Group Advice

For the next group of trainees preparing to dive into the world of Wikipedia editing, the advice from previous participants emphasizes preparation, curiosity, and a sense of adventure. One of the most common suggestions is to come ready with a topic in mind. As one participant advised, “Make sure you have one (or more) topic you will work on. Plus, make sure you already have a list of links to start digging into.” This preparation helps ensure that you can jump right into the process, focusing on something you're passionate about. Another echoed this sentiment, “Bring a list of sources ahead of time to then understand if the sources are reliable and verifiable. Since quality of research is a big part of the workshop, read the pages ahead of time.” Doing this groundwork will set you up for success and make the editing process smoother.

Embrace this as a process...not a project.

Beyond the practical side, participants encouraged embracing the journey of learning. One editor urged, “Embrace this as a process, not a project.” Wikipedia editing is a skill that builds over time, and it's important to see it as an ongoing learning experience rather than something to rush through. Another offered a similar perspective: “It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” Taking the time to explore your topic deeply and let your curiosity guide you will not only make the process more enjoyable but also more meaningful.

Ask questions, practice for improvement, read, and ask more questions.

Asking questions is key, especially when you’re unsure of something. One participant shared, “Ask questions, practice for improvement, read, and ask more questions.” The Wikipedia community is collaborative and helpful, so don’t be afraid to reach out for support. And as another participant humorously put it, “Be bold! And Jake Orlowitz might come to your aid.” This speaks to the encouragement to dive in and take risks—there’s always help available if you need it.

Participants also highlighted the importance of selecting topics that genuinely interest you. “Pick topics to write about that really move you, and that propel your curiosity,” one participant advised, explaining that following your passion will make the process more fulfilling. Another added, “Find something interesting that you haven’t seen on Wikipedia! If you speak another language, start editing articles that are not available in other languages.” Exploring new areas, especially those underrepresented on Wikipedia, can lead you to exciting discoveries.

Pick topics to write about that really move you, and that propel your curiosity.

Finally, remember to enjoy the experience. One participant said simply, “Have fun! Be ready to learn and to edit.” And of course, “We will have snacks. And lunch!” There’s a sense of community and shared excitement in learning how to contribute to one of the world’s largest knowledge resources, so make the most of it and dive in with enthusiasm.

In short: come prepared with topics and sources, stay curious, ask lots of questions, and most importantly—enjoy the ride!


Feeling Excited


The Impact