Feeling Excited

In the Wikipedia editing workshop, participants shared their excitement about diving into the world of collaborative knowledge creation and the impact it could have on their work and beyond. For many, the thrill of understanding how Wikipedia works—from research to publishing—was a major source of enthusiasm. One participant said, “Understanding how it works. Now I understand that it is (practically) all about research.” For them, grasping the mechanics of the platform, particularly its research-driven nature, was a key takeaway.

I like the idea of integrating WIKI research and editing into the narrative of my practice. I’m excited to publish an article and share it as a ‘research’ portion of my practice.

Others were excited about integrating Wikipedia into their personal and professional practices. One participant reflected, “I like the idea of integrating WIKI research and editing into the narrative of my practice. I’m excited to publish an article and share it as a ‘research’ portion of my practice.” This connection between Wikipedia and their creative or academic work opened up new possibilities for how they approach research and writing in the future. Another shared a similar sentiment, “I’m excited about learning a new set of skills that I can incorporate into my professional practice to support Miami-based artists and practitioners.” The idea of using Wikipedia to spotlight and support others fueled their excitement.

Many participants were also energized by the opportunity to contribute to something larger than themselves. One person expressed, “The prospect of contributing to an archive of human history. That it is ‘active.’” This realization that Wikipedia is a living, evolving archive motivated them to contribute articles about topics they felt passionate about, adding, “I’m excited to contribute an article to the archive about something that totally deserves to be in there (IMHO).” This sense of responsibility and excitement to fill gaps in knowledge was echoed by another participant who shared, “I’m excited about adding new and forgotten knowledge to the world database. There are so many films from different corners of the world that are disappearing due to poor archiving. Let’s save some movies!” The mission to preserve cultural artifacts through Wikipedia gave participants a powerful sense of purpose.

“I’m excited about adding new and forgotten knowledge to the world database. There are so many films from different corners of the world that are disappearing due to poor archiving. Let’s save some movies!”

For others, it was about the joy of learning and honing new skills. One person shared, “I’m enthusiastic about learning different writing styles and techniques for writing articles on various topics,” while another was excited about becoming a better contributor, saying, “Becoming a thoughtful contributor following the Wiki rules. Excited to watch more pages and research articles that I can contribute to the pages.” The chance to develop skills that could be applied both within and beyond Wikipedia motivated many to continue their learning journey.

The collaborative nature of the workshop also brought excitement. One participant was thrilled by the experience of working alongside talented and diverse people, saying, “I’m amazed that Wikipedia is as interesting to other people as it is to me.” The sense of community and shared passion for knowledge creation was a highlight, as they looked forward to continuing this work with more artists in the future.

For those passionate about niche topics, Wikipedia offered a platform to elevate underrepresented subjects. One participant shared their excitement about “writing more about important things that make the world how it is now,” reflecting on their work with articles like Accelerationism and Cute Accelerationism. Another editor, focused on digital art, said, “I really want to keep working on translating digital art artists and give more spotlight to people that truly represent digital art.” For these participants, Wikipedia became a way to champion the topics that matter to them and give them the visibility they deserve.

I am excited to understand how Wikipedia puts together all the information, as it is a whole system that is created through thousands of individuals. It is like discovering a portal on how information is grouped in a verified way.

Ultimately, the excitement in the room was palpable—whether from learning a new skill, contributing to global knowledge, or collaborating with like-minded individuals, the possibilities felt endless. As one participant summed it up, “I am excited to understand how Wikipedia puts together all the information, as it is a whole system that is created through thousands of individuals, it is like discovering a portal on how information is grouped in a verified way.” This sense of discovery and empowerment is what made the workshop so inspiring for everyone involved.


Group Advice